Health + Happiness Around the World ~ Day 3 Inspiration

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Inspire Health + Happiness, A 31 Day Challenge

Welcome to Day 3!
Goal: Send 3 Goodwill Wishes

Take a Moment and Think …

It is 2-3 years into the future and we did it!  We Inspired Health + Happiness Around the World in December 2019!  Congratulations!  How does the world look?  How does your world look? What’s different?  What do you most appreciate and enjoy about the new healthier, happier world?

(TIPS:  If you like to write, write down your thoughts about the future.  If a friend is participating in The Challenge, share your vision of the future.  You may be surprised at the conversation.)

May you be happy!

Did you join The Challenge late?  No worries.  All Daily Inspirations are available here. 

Got Questions or suggestions to help others?  Contact me or type a Comment below!!!  Let’s Inspire Health + Happiness Around the World this December.

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Meg Poe

Meg Poe is The Coaching Yogi, founder and owner of Poe Wellness Solutions, Integrative Health Coach and teacher of movement and mindfulness. She graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with a Masters in Exercise Physiology, is a Duke University certified Integrative Health Coach and a 500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher. As a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Meg partners with individuals and groups as they wake up to their mind, body, life, health and happiness. Partnering with people to live their optimal health and happiness is my passion. Let’s do this! Check out the 1:1 Coaching page and schedule a free 30-minute informational call today.

4 thoughts on “Health + Happiness Around the World ~ Day 3 Inspiration”

  1. The moment after I read the challenge today I started thinking about the changes I would like to see in the future and I immediately felt better. I took a breath, sat up taller and smiled.

    1. Gennie,
      It is powerful to think about a positive future instead of ruminating on what’s not working for us. Combine that with a deep breath and no wonder you sat up taller and smiled.
      May you always find a spark of positive,

  2. Here’s my five-minute brain dump:

    Downtowns everywhere—including suburbia — look like a patchwork quilt of different races and ethnicities

    Playgrounds aren’t just for children

    I am happy, knowing my children and grandchildren and all who follow have a better and continuously improving world to live in. And in knowing I played a small role in that.

    Because resources used for funding wars, prisons, immigration enforcement and other negative and punitive purposes have been diverted to health and education and housing and meeting other survival and safety needs, everyone has their level 1 and 2 needs met, so that all may focus on love and belonging, self esteem, and ultimately on self-actualization – which, in the context of this mindfulness-of-others, becomes actualization-of-humanity.

    Because becoming vested in the welfare of others melts the “them-vs-us” wall, people walk the streets at night without worry, and open their doors when a stranger knocks.

    There is a major re-orientation of the job market.

    There are no losers, as we uphold each other.

    An “enable” versus a “control” mindset takes over.

    “Imagine” becomes the world anthem.

    1. Mary,
      Your “five-minute brain dump” is inspiring. My imagination is on board and ready to go. Thank you for your thoughts.
      In health + happiness,

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