No matter what the reason, an at home yoga space can bring joy to both seasoned and newbie yogis. Many of my clients long for a space to practice at home. With COVID-19 and the temporary closing of studios and gyms, it’s a great opportunity to embrace yoga at home. So, how do you create your perfect space?

As a yoga and Pilates teacher, I had to accept that in-person classes were not happening for awhile and find a way to continue providing classes while sheltering in place. Beginning of March 2020, I taught seven classes per week. Now, August 2020, I offer five classes per week from my newly transformed live-streaming, YouTube videoing, Yoga/Pilates Studio. In September, the two missing classes, Pilates for Parkinson’s return to my schedule and my at-home, live-streaming studio becomes a bit busier. My requirements are of course different than yours. Let’s figure out how you can practice yoga at home and create your perfect space.
Imagine Your Perfect Space

Let’s be honest, “perfect” is a lot of pressure. It’s also super important to define. When you give yourself permission to envision “perfect” without concern of how you attain it, your creativity flows. Start with no limitations. If you are immediately stuck, take a moment and reflect on your favorite yoga studio. Maybe close your eyes and replay in your mind the perfect class from arrival to departure. Let your senses soak up everything about the experience. What made the space perfect? Location? Paint color? Windows? Music? Smell? Lighting? etc.
Click to download: PWS ~ Perfect Yoga Space ~ Printable Worksheet
Value Your Perfect Space
After defining your perfect space, take time to understand the value of each element. What’s the positive effect on your yoga at home? This is hugely important. This is when you determine what really matters to you. Often times when we define “perfect”, we include elements that aren’t really our perfect but it’s what others see as perfect. As a result, we lose motivation. In other words, for someone else a dedicated space makes sense but for you, the kitchen floor and right props are perfect for your yoga practice and lifestyle. Funny how we let others get in our heads and influence our ideal.
Assess & Address Your Current Space
You know what you want. You know why you want it. Now, it’s time to look at your current space. Where are you practicing now? How does the current space compare to the vision of your perfect space? The gap between current and perfect, that’s where the work is! Next question, what’s the obstacle? What’s preventing the transformation to your perfect space? That’s the work. (Reminder: Download the worksheet. It makes the process simple!)
Click to download: PWS ~ Perfect Yoga Space ~ Printable Worksheet
Plan Your Perfect Space
The plan is a road map to your perfect space. What actions are required for overcoming the obstacles to transforming current to perfect? If you are writing this on the worksheet, it is almost too easy to believe. For me, deciding the preferred order to complete actions is like a puzzle. Some actions may require specific order. Other times, it truly is preference. Where can you get a quick win? What’s high value and big effort? When I identify an action as low effort and high value, that’s where I begin. It’s great fuel for high motivation!
Celebrate Your Success
Too often success is overlooked. Once there is accomplishment, the next action or goal is awaiting your attention. In other words, there is no celebration! Constant work and no acknowledgement of success squashes motivation and joy. Let me help with this one. As long as I am teaching live-streaming classes, let’s celebrate together. Send me a picture of your perfect space ( and I’ll invite you to a live-streaming class at no charge. You showoff your perfect space and celebrate with everyone in class.
Evolve Your Perfect Space
Your perfect space takes time to develop and your definition of perfect changes. As the seasons change, light, temperature and the requirements of your practice shift. In addition, with consistent practice your abilities and interests change. Maybe even your preferred style of yoga evolves. New props may be required. Don’t allow your practice or your space to get stuck. Allow transformation in your body, mind and space. Have fun exploring!

Summing It Up
No matter what the reason, if an at home yoga practice is important to you, take time to create a space that meets your needs as well as your style. If you don’t like the space, chances are you won’t maintain a practice. Whenever you are making change, try applying our simple process.
- Imagine it
- Value it
- Assess it
- Address it
- Plan it
- Celebrate it
- Evolve it
The process is simple but change takes work. Have fun!
What have you learned as you create your perfect space? Share with us in the comments below and inspire others to establish an at home practice and space.
love this, but most especially the “celebrate it”!
Thank you Gregg! I always appreciate your comments. Growing a community on a blog is a constant challenge. I always celebrate hearing from you. Look forward to the next time you join class from your kitchen. <3
health + happiness to you!
Oooooh so useful! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Hi Sophie,
Thank you for your comment. Happy you found the information helpful!
Enjoy your home practice.