What is a Wellness Plan?
The Wellness Plan sets the structure for our partnership. We all have our personal vision of optimal health and happiness. We are starting in different places, want different things and experience sustainable lifestyle change with different approaches and timelines.
Three options are provided to best meet your needs. If you start with a smaller plan and later prefer additional visits, a seamless transition is available.
Wellness Plans
All Health + Happiness Wellness Plans include:
Introductory Visit
What's Your optimal Health + Happiness?
Where Are You Now?
Goal Setting
Let's Do This!
How Did you Do?
Closing Visit
What's Next?
- # Visits
- Timeframe
Goal Setter
$400.00 *+
- # Visits 4 Visits
- Timeframe 2-3 Months
Change Maker
$720.00 *+
- # Visits 8 Visits
- Timeframe 4-5 Months
$1,020.00 *+
- # Visits 12 Visits
- Timeframe 6-8 Months
* Prices are for visits conducted via phone and may vary when meeting face-to-face.
+ Contact Us to learn about Friends of PWS discount rates! If you regularly participate in other PWS programs, are a member of the Parkinson’s Community or are returning for additional coaching, you may be eligible for a Friends of PWS discount.
Goal Setter
Curious about partnering with a Health Coach but prefer a smaller commitment?
Ideal if your interest is defining and setting goals. We explore what’s important to you, determine your starting place and identify your optimal Health + Happiness destination. We establish your focus, create 3-6 month goals, set and prioritize actions. This package includes one Support Visit to discuss your initial progress and sets you on a clear path for moving forward.
Change Maker
There are many theories for behavior and lifestyle change. What do they all have in common? Time! The Change Maker includes the Goal Setter plan plus an additional four visits.
Changing habits and routines takes practice. You will hit bumps in the road, learn lessons, change your course, and celebrate successes. You create new patterns but the old do not suddenly disappear. It takes time to create new routines, stronger than the old. With additional support, you receive help through the ups and downs, and yes, you learn from it all!
Health + Happiness Maintainer
What happens when you are no longer making change? You are maintaining change. The Health + Happiness Maintainer includes the other packages with two additional months of support.
Not only are you maintaining new behaviors but you have tip-toed into new areas. Once you taste success in one area of health you may become addicted. Health Coaching involves the whole person, all aspects of health. With additional visits you maintain new lifestyle change and circle around to additional health behaviors. CAUTION: You may keep wanting more!